Friday 8 August 2008

Pick Your Rick

I was recently e-ntroduced to someone named Rick. It was one of those dodgy offers that people make but you can't turn down because you don't want to be rude and you are usually hoping that the person on the other side of the equation is going to ignore you and you can both just pretend like you never got the e-mail and life can just continue as it was.

Well, a friend of mine here in OK City has a friend who has a son who lives in LA and is trying to break in to show business. And I'm thinking "Okay, here we go." Because I already have my person in LA and she has not only broken in to show business, she has become so successful that she had to break out of show business. Anyhow "Rick" took courage and got in touch and sent his phone number. So my hand was forced and I called him. Turns out he is not a total moron. So we will be using one another as a resource to bounce ideas off of. Unless he thinks I'm a total moron. See I hate these things.  Anyhow as I'm a visual person I need to have a face to go with the name "Rick." I have gathered an initial list of possibles.

Top Row: Rick Springfield, Rick Noreiga, Work of American-born British Architect Rick Mather, Rick Soloman with Pamela Anderson, Rick James, Rikki Lee Jones

Middle Row: Work by Tattoo artist Rick Lohm, Rick Zeron, Rick Jacobi (some business man in Galveston), Desi Arnez as Ricky Ricardo, Steely Dan's Rikki Don't Lose that Number.

Bottom Row: Rick Astley

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