Monday, 12 January 2009

Untitled Sadness

That's the statue behind the ICA, in between The Mall and Pall Mall in London. It commorates the Crimean War. There are British and Cossak soldiers and a plaque that does not say "This statue sponsored by Big Corporation."
I miss London. I miss my friends. I miss the weather. I miss the culture. I miss the dry humor. I miss the public transportation. I miss the tea. I miss interacting with strangers on busses, sidewalks, I miss sidewalks. Can you imagine that sidewalks. I miss walking for that matter. I miss the intelligence. I miss people who could give a fuck about granite countertops.

I miss public places  that are actually used by the public. I miss parks that have tea rooms and walking paths and lovely gardens. 

Come on Justin, Crimea River.

Poor me. Crimea River